Agenda Business Meeting
Minutes of 2022 Meeting
Financial Report
Agenda Business Meeting 2023
March 17, 2023
11:30 am
12:30 pm
AABCNC Business Meeting
Rick Sumner
Date, Time & Location
March 17, 2023 • 11:30AM • St. Petersburg, FL
Expected Attendees
Sumner (President) • Executive Committee • Membership
Order of Business​
Approval of minutes of 2022 Business meeting ... PDF
Review of Current office holders
President: Rick Sumner (2022-2023)
President-elect: Alex Robling (2022-2023
Past President: Lynne Opperman (2022-2023)
Secretary-Treasurer: Raj Ettarh (2020-2023)
Councilors: Carol Gregorio (2020-23); Wendy Macklin (2020-23); Kirk McHugh (2022-2024); Douglas Gould (2022-2024)
Representative CFAS: Jeff Laitman (2019-2023)
In-coming office holders
President: Alex Robling (2023-2024)
President-elect: Gary Bissell (2023-2024)
Past President: Rick Sumner (2023-2024)
Secretary-Treasurer: Raj Ettarh (2023-2026)
Councilors: Wendy Macklin (2023-25); David Morton (2023-25); Kirk McHugh (2022-24); Douglas Gould (2022-24)
Representative CFAS: Jeff Laitman (2019-2023)​
President’s Report and Announcements (Sumner).
FASEB Hill Day 2022 (Opperman)​
CFAS Rep report (Laitman)
Memberships (Sumner): AAMC/CFAS, Research!America, Annual renewals.
Sign-on letters: President authorized signing of 2 letters:
Encourage Appropriators to Finalize FY23 NIH Funding Increase: AAMC-sponsored letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership, urging swift passage of at least the House Appropriations Committee-passed $47.5 billion for the NIH base budget for FY 2023 — November 2022
Endorse the Ad Hoc Group FY24 Recommendation for NIH: For FY 2024, the AAMC Ad Hoc Group is recommending “at least $50.924 billion for NIH’s foundational work, a $3.465 billion increase over the comparable FY 2023 program level, which would allow NIH’s base budget to keep pace with the biomedical research and development price index (BRDPI) and allow meaningful growth of 5%
​Nominating committee and elections (Opperman): elections of ​president-elect, councilors and secretary-treasurer to the Executive Committee were held late in January 2023. Sumner appointed current Executive Committee to be the Nominating committee and was chaired by Lynne Opperman. New president-elect is Gary Bissell, councilors are Wendy Macklin (second term) and David Morton, Secretary-Treasurer in Raj Ettarh.
Greetings from AAA (Sumner) - from Valerie DeLeon (president) and Christine Ross (executive director)
New Chairs
Candidates for Emeritus Membership Status (Sumner): Lynne Opperman
In memoriam
Financial Report: (Ettarh) ... PDF
Auditors' Report: (McHugh, Macklin)
Proposed Budget: (Ettarh)
Membership & Asset history: (Ettarh)
Other Business