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The name of this organization shall be the Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Neurobiology Chairpersons, hereinafter to be referred to as the Association. Its abbreviation shall be AACBNC.



The purpose of this association shall be to provide a forum for discussion and a medium for communication among Chairs of Departments of Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Neurobiology.


The Mission Statement of the Association is:

  • provides leadership and advocacy in the biomedical sciences, especially the disciplines of Cell and Developmental Biology, Neurobiology, and Anatomy

  • represents at the national level the interests of the academicians and investigators working in these disciplines

  • develops policies consistent with these interests

  • supports public policy efforts by other associations, particularly with regard to research support in these disciplines

  • identifies and addresses emerging issues that affect the disciplines

  • shares experience and provides expertise for the improvement of academic medicine and basic biomedical science.



Chairs, interim chairs, or permanent substitutes appointed by the Chair of Departments of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Neurobiology, or equivalent organizational units in schools of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and osteopathic medicine or in universities granting Ph.D. degrees in these disciplines in the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada shall be eligible for membership. Presidents, Directors, or permanent substitutes appointed by the President or Director of Institutes or centers for education or research in the anatomical, cell biological, or neurobiological sciences are also eligible for membership. Schools must be accredited by the appropriate national-accrediting body. The AACBNC Executive Committee will serve as a reviewer of the accrediting body and of the institutes and centers. A school in which an equivalent organizational unit is not readily identifiable may be invited to designate a member of the faculty to represent that school as a member. Members shall not be permitted to send alternates or substitutes to meetings of the Association except under unusual circumstances and only with the permission of the majority of the Executive Committee of the Association.



Section 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer. The President and President-Elect shall serve for two years or until successors are qualified. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for three year terms or until a successor is qualified.


Section 2. The Executive Committee of the Association shall be composed of the three officers, the Past-President, and four councilors. The four councilors will serve for two years, with terms arranged in that two councilors are elected each year. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for the Association in the interim between duly called meetings.


Section 3. Up to two members of the Association shall serve as Representatives to the Council of Academic Societies (CAS). The CAS Representatives will be elected by the Executive Committee for a term of three years. The number of terms that an individual can serve as CAS representative is unlimited, and if there are two Representatives, their terms shall start in different years. The Representatives shall meet with the Executive Committee but not have the right to vote, unless they are also members of the Executive Committee.


Section 4. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee with four members. No more than two may be councilors. None of the members of the Executive Committee, except for the Councilors, shall be on the Nominating Committee. Due consideration should be given to achieving broad geographic representation on the Committee. The Nominating Committee shall confer with the Secretary-Treasurer that their selections are eligible to run for office based on the constitution. The Nominating Committee shall then ascertain that their selections would be willing to serve if elected and shall send the Secretary-Treasurer the names of two candidates for President-Elect, four candidates for Councilor, and two names for Secretary-Treasurer (the latter, every third year). Elections shall be submitted by ballot of the voting membership, and occur prior to the annual meeting at which the officers will be inducted.


Section 5. The terms of office of Councilors, Officers, and all Committee Members shall begin at the close of the annual meeting and continue until their successors are qualified. In exceptional circumstances, the Executive Committee may request permission from membership at any time to postpone elections of new officers and extend the term of office for all current officers for one year. Approval by simple majority will extend the term of office.




Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. They shall appoint the members of all ad hoc and standing committees and the Nominating Committee, and shall designate the chair of each committee from among its members, unless otherwise provided in the bylaws or by action of the membership. Subject to the consent of the Executive Committee, the President may create, combine or discontinue all appointive committees. They shall perform all other duties required by custom and parliamentary usage. The President shall have primary responsibility for arranging the agendas of meetings both the Executive Committee and the Association, provided that no question in which five or more members desire to have placed on the agenda shall be omitted, and provided that there shall be at each meeting an opportunity for items of business to be introduced from the floor for action at a subsequent meeting.


Section 2. The President-Elect shall act as a vice-president and shall assume the duties of President whenever the latter is absent or unable to act.


Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping an accurate and permanent record of the meetings and transactions of the Association, for conducting the correspondence of the Association, keeping a roster of members, sending out notices of meetings and performing such other duties as pertain to the office of Secretary. They shall receive and be custodian of the funds of the Association. They shall be responsible for signing the contracts for financial responsibilities for the annual and interim meetings. They shall present a proposed budget for the ensuing year, with the approval of the Executive Committee, and this budget shall be ratified by a simple majority vote of the membership present at an annual meeting. They shall incur no unbudgeted expense during the ensuing year without the consent of the Executive Committee. They shall make a complete financial report at the annual meeting of the Association.


Section 4. The Executive Committee shall be the policy making and administrative body of the Association during the interval between regular and annual business meetings and shall be empowered to enter into contracts and to authorize such expenditures as may be necessary to carry on the affairs of the Association. Its actions shall always be governed by this constitution and bylaws, and all actions by the Executive Committee shall be subject to review by the Association. When necessary, the consensus of the members of the Association may be taken by mail ballot. The President of the Association, acting as Chair of the Executive Committee, shall present a condensed report of its activities to the Association at the annual business meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall act as secretary of the Executive Committee. The President shall select two members approved by the Executive Committee yearly to audit the accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer.



Section 1. The location and dates of the annual meeting shall be determined by the Secretary-Treasurer in consultation with the President-Elect. The location and dates of all called meetings shall be determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 2. Notice of the time, place, and agenda of all meetings shall be mailed to all members at least thirty days prior to such meetings.



A quorum for any regular or called meeting of the Association shall consist of twenty-fivepercent of the voting members.



Standing or ad hoc committees shall be established by the President or by vote of the Association or by its Executive Committee acting between meetings of the Association. Members of the standing committees shall be chosen from among the members of the Association. Members of ad hoc committees may be selected from the academic community-at-large.



This constitution may be amended by approval of two-thirds of the members voting at a regular or called meeting, or by two-thirds of the total membership voting on a mail ballot provided that such amendment has been circulated to all members at least thirty days prior to taking a vote.

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