11:00 am ET
11:10 am ET
Welcome and Introductions
Lynne Opperman / Raj Ettarh
11:10 am ET
12:00 pm ET
Plenary 1 – Mental Health Research in the Age of COVID
Joshua A Gordon, MD, PhD, Director - National Institute of Mental Health
12:00 pm ET
1:00 pm ET
Panel 1 – Take Aways from the Gordon Plenary
Sally A. Moody, PhD, Professor & Chair, Anatomy and Cell Biology,
George Washington University
Gwen V. Childs, PhD, Distinguished Professor & Chair, Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
1:00 pm ET
1:10 pm ET
1:10 pm ET
2:00 pm ET
Plenary 2 – Empowering Community Resilience through Ally Skills
Sunny Nakae, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor, Medical Education
Senior Associate Dean-Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Community Partnerships
California University of Science and Medicine
2:00 pm ET
3:00 pm ET
Panel 2 – Moderated Q&A with Take Aways from the Nakae Plenary
Sunny Nakae, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor, Medical Education
California University of Science and Medicine
Craig M. Powell, MD, PhD, Professor & Chair, Neurobiology,
Heersink School of Medicine, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Douglas J. Gould, PhD, Professor & Chair, Foundational Medical Studies
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
3:00 pm ET
3:10 pm ET
New Chair Introductions
3:10 pm ET
4:00 pm ET
Breakout Rooms
Room 1: Best Practices for Successful Tenure -- Mental Health and Future-Proofed Tenured Faculty
Continued discussion on topics from the Gordon Plenary
Session Chair
Sylvia B. Smith, PhD, Regents' Professor & Chair, Cellular Biology and Anatomy
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Room 2: Accepting the Present and Planning for the Future in Medical Education
Session Chair
Jennifer Brueckner-Collins, PhD, Professor & Vice Chair for Educational Programs
Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology, University of Louisville School of Medicine
Joseph Wu, M3 Student
Brown University, Author, "The Self Directed Medical Student Curriculum"
Bruce Wainman, PhD, Director, Education Program in Anatomy and Surgical Skills Laboratory
Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University
4:00 pm ET
Closing Remarks / Discussion
Issues, Hot Topics and General Discussion
Virtual Happy Hour (30 minutes)